Book Title:
Sinister Party
“Sinister Party,” a collection by Justice Howard, a top celebrity and movie studio photographer in LA, showcases a series of horror photographs compiled over years of assignments. Featuring real and incredibly lifelike props, this book is not for the faint of heart.
Book Details:
Print Length (Pages)
Asylum Publications
Publication Date
January 1, 2023
Behind the Glitz, Lies the Grimoire: Justice Howard’s “Sinister Party”
Forget airbrushed perfection and red-carpet glamour. Justice Howard, the photographer who’s captured the essence of countless celebrities, unveils a hidden side in her new collection, “Sinister Party.” This isn’t your typical Hollywood exposé. “Sinister Party” is a chilling compendium of meticulously crafted horror photographs, where reality and nightmare blur. Howard utilizes props so real, they’ll send shivers down your spine. This is a glimpse into the darkness that lurks just beneath the surface of the ordinary, a collection not for the faint of heart. Mature audiences only. Prepare to confront your fears as you step into Justice Howard’s “Sinister Party.”